Park St, Bright, Victoria, 3741
03 5755 1166

News and Profiles


Bright P-12 College Dinner Plain Campus Winter Enrolments 2023

Primary Students Only

The Department of Education’s enrolment policy, known as the Placement Policy, will be applied to all primary school enrolments at Bright P-12 College Dinner Plain Campus for the winter season. 

The Placement policy is the department policy to which all schools in Victoria adhere.  You can view the policy here:-

This web link also contains the guidelines for determining a permanent address as referred to in the policy.

Enquiries in relation to the Placement policy should be made to the Community Liaison Officer, North-Eastern Victoria Region at

The Dinner Plain Campus will no longer be accepting secondary student enrolments as there is no capacity to provide a comprehensive curriculum and cater for students specific educational needs post primary school. Available options for secondary students are enrolling at Swifts Creek P-12 School and accessing the buses from Dinner Plain to Swifts Creek, an Absence Learning Plan from the student’s base school or private tuition and supervision. Parents/Carers of secondary aged students need to make their own arrangements.

Expressions of interest for enrolment of primary students at Bright P-12 College Dinner Plain Campus for the 2023 winter season must be received by the school on or before 4.00pm 24th February 2023, with families being notified by the school of acceptance of enrolment after Friday 3rd March 2023. There is a limit on places due to building capacity.  As a result, the placement policy will be applied, to determine offers of positions once Expressions of Interest close.

Expression of interest for enrolment should be made online via the form below.

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3 (if you have more than 3 students please submit a second form)

Permanent Residential Address
(This where you live for most of the year, not your Winter address)


To the Highest

View some of our students highest achievements

  • Folio Development  - VCE Studio Arts

    Folio Development - VCE Studio Arts

  • Birdfeeder  - Yr 9 Metalwork

    Birdfeeder - Yr 9 Metalwork

  • Logo designs for our VCAL wine 12 Bright Vines - Visual Communication

    Logo designs for our VCAL wine 12 Bright Vines - Visual Communication

  • Folio Development  - VCE Studio Arts

    Folio Development - VCE Studio Arts

  • Major Works  - Yr 9 Art

    Major Works - Yr 9 Art

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5


Ms Jean Olley

Primary Assistant Principal
Mr Mathew Gray

Secondary Assistant Principal
Mr Phil Rigby




Email Us


College Information

Office Hours: 8.30am to 4.00pm School Days
Bakers Gully Road, Bright, Vic 3741
Bright P-12 College PO Box 30 Bright, VIC 3741
Telephone: 03 5755 1166
Fax: 03 5755 1770

Bright P-12 College is accredited under the Department of Education's CRICOS Registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K) For further information refer to

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